About Us
The Malaysian Chamber of Mines is the only Chamber in this country established by an Act of Parliament. On 10 December 1914, the Chamber was formally incorporated under the Federated Malay States Chamber of Mines Incorporation Enactment No. 25 of 1914.
On 8 September 1988, the States of Malaya Chamber of Mines Incorporation (Amendment) Act was gazetted to give effect to a change of name from the previous States of Malaya Chamber of Mines to the present Malaysian Chamber of Mines.
On the same day, the then Minister of Primary Industries, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 15 of the Act, gazetted several amendments to the Chamber’s By-Laws. These were to streamline the management and administration of the Chamber’s affairs in order to keep-up with the prevailing changed circumstances in the mining industry. These amendments were gazetted in the Federal Government Gazette on 6 April 1989 vide Act 367.
It is the oldest Chamber of its kind in the country.

The Chamber’s Objectives as laid down in its Incorporation Act are:
- To protect, promote and advance the general interest of the minerals resource community in Malaysia
- To consider all questions connected with the minerals industry and promote public discussion thereon
- To collect, classify and diffuse minerals resource information
- To communicate and exchange information on minerals resource industry matters to and with other minerals industry associations in Malaysia and elsewhere
- To promote and facilitate the minerals resource industry contribution to sustainable development within the national and global sustainable development strategies



The Chamber’s membership is made up of major mining companies, mining consultants, engineers, individuals and other mining associations. As at April 2022 it has a membership of 144, comprising the following categories of membership:
The Chamber draws its membership from the major mining companies, mining consultants, engineers, individuals and other mining associations. As at April 2022 it has a membership of 144 comprising honorary, life, individual, corporate and other mining Chamber/Association members.
The members of the Chamber consist of;
- President and Vice-President;
- Ordinary members
- Annual members
- Life members;
- Visiting members and honorary members.
The President, Vice-President, and ordinary, visiting, and honorary members have such respective rights of attending meetings of the Chamber and voting thereat and such other rights and privileges as may be prescribed by the by-laws of the Chamber in force for the time being.
Ordinary Members
- The ordinary members shall comprise any persons, other Chambers of Mines or similar associations, who are not honorary members, corporations or companies connected with the mining industry who or which may desire to join the Chamber and shall have been duly elected as ordinary members thereof in accordance with the by-laws of the Chamber in force for the time being.
- In the case of other Chambers of Mines or similar mining associations having the right to nominate one or more persons to be members of the Council of the Chamber then any person or persons so nominated shall be deemed to be ordinary members of the Chamber for the period during which he or they shall remain members of the Council as the nominees of such Chambers of Mines or similar associations.
Honorary Members
Members of the Government Service, Chambers of Mines or similar associations, and/or corporations not being engaged in business for the acquisition of gain, prominent persons connected with the mining industry and others whom the Council may wish to honour shall be eligible as honorary members of the Chamber. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of ordinary members except that they shall have no vote; they shall not be required to pay any subscription.
Visiting Members
A visiting member needs to be duly proposed and seconded by two ordinary members and the membership is for a period of one month.
The proposer and seconder of a visiting member shall be liable for any infraction of the Rules of the Chamber which such visiting member may commit.
A person who has been admitted as a visiting member for a month in one year is eligible for election as an ordinary member and shall not be allowed to continue to use the Chamber unless he apply to be elected as such.
A person who has tried and failed to secure election as an ordinary member, or who has ceased to be a member of the Chamber is eligible to become a visiting member.
A visiting member shall not be liable for subscription and shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings of the Chamber but shall have all other privileges appertaining to ordinary membership including the right to be present and speak at general meetings of the Chamber.